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Dream Your Brand into Existence

BRAND MUZE was founded on the principle that each entrepreneur should "Be Your Own Muze" in their branding.


You should feel empowered by your experience, expertise, education, and that your work is so much bigger than you can imagine.


Often times, as entrepreneurs we get swept up in the ideal vision we have for our businesses, the offers, what we stand for, who are clients can easily get lost with the magnitude of decisions to make.


Your branding should feel like an extension of your soul. It should mesmerize you every time you see it.


Branding is art.

Branding is infinite without limits.

Branding is captivating.

Branding is intentional.

Branding is curated.

Entrepreneur + Lifestyle

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For the female coach

looking to spread her wings      & gain grounding

HER WINGS - My signature program that launches 1 time a year will be open this September.


This is an extensive 3 month container that employs you to discover yours business’ purpose…through uncovering personal one first.


This exact program has examined previous members to uncover who they are, who they’ve been hiding as, and what their true potential really is…some have been stagnant with sales, and in 2 weeks done more than a previous year…why???


The inner work is revealed…and implemented!!!


HER WINGS is an intimate container for 3 months!!!



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Personal Coaching
exclusive to the entrepreneur

Bridging the support gap of balancing entrepreneurship + life

Your brands purpose is closely aligned to yours personal purpose!


I could literally scream with excitement for this Brand Muze website coming into fruition.


The energy.


The full expression of me.


The deepest connection to my work.


The revelation of our amazing clients that will be featured.


It is a work of ART.


I want to frame it on my wall, for real.


Meanwhile, here's a sneak peel if your interest is piqued


When’s the last time you were so wowed by your images and how they conveyed yourself, your education, intelligence, expertise?

You could literally feel your energy through them.

You felt magnetized towards your own brand.

There was such clarity in who you are, how you help your clients, what breakthroughs they receive…when was the last time?


When’s the last time you were so in love with your branding?


Your highest and deepest self is calling you to come inward! To take time to reflect on you, your desires, your goals, your truths, your greatest work. It cannot be attained by ignoring the inner work.


Allow your mindset to change. Don’t not allow yourself the beauty of changing the person you are, to become a better, more healed version. And just because you’ve always done something, or always made a certain decision…doesn’t mean you don’t get to make a better, more aligned one.

Discover Your Inner Muze

Coaching & Masterclasses

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©2024 Copyright Heather Murphy + Brand Muze

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